Plastic Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Ayşegül Sivri stated that the importance given to breast beauty dates back centuries ago and said, “In the years before Christ, women made their breasts prominent by
tightening their waist areas with clothes with ties.
Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Ayşegül Sivri stated that the importance given to breast beauty dates back centuries ago, “In the years before Christ, women made their breasts prominent by tightening their waist areas with clothes with ties. In the Victorian period, petticoats undertook this task. In the 20th century, such clothes lost their importance and bras started to be used in the 1930s. Today, bras have a special importance for women, such as showing their breasts beautifully as well as being an underwear.”
Stating that in the new designs of famous brands, besides the satins and laces that every woman looks at with care, unfortunately, models with breast enlarging or reducing features are mentioned, Op. Dr. Sivri said, “The increase in this need shows that most women are unfortunately not satisfied with their breast shapes. Women with small breasts are quite large in this group. The first and biggest request of the majority of women who apply to me for breast augmentation is
that they want to get rid of bras that are padded and make them look big and use lacy, much more elegant bras.”
Stating that the filled bras used to make the breasts look big do not look natural and can damage the existing breast structure, Dr. Sivri said, “It is wiser to turn to permanent solutions instead of using them. For this reason, instead of making unhealthy choices, you can achieve the desired breast size with breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common operations in our country and in the world, and the number of patients who want breast augmentation surgery is increasing day by day. Today, the most valid method for breast augmentation is breast augmentation surgery with silicone prosthesis. The prostheses used are approved by the American Ministry of Health, uaranteed for life and do not need to be replaced. People who have breast implants can get pregnant, give milk and no harmful side effects have been detected. The biggest advantage is that breasts can be enlarged in the desired size and
form, and the result obtained is permanent.” He said.
Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Ayşegül Sivri stated that breast augmentation surgery is an operation that takes an average of 1-2 hours and does not require hospitalization most of the time and said the following; “After the surgery, people can return to their social life on the 3rd day on average. Breast augmentation surgery, which is an operation with almost no scars, is often painless and painless depending on the technique. Years ago, these surgeries were only demanded by people with a high socio-cultural and economic level, but today, women from all walks of life and of all ages apply for breast aesthetic operations. It is possible to explain this situation with the widespread aesthetic awareness in the society. Physical deformities have negative effects on mental health and personality. With a successful breast operation, when normal shaped, natural looking, voluminous and firm breasts are created, the related
psychological and social problems of the person are also eliminated. Women gain self-confidence after the surgery, their assertiveness increases, they become at peace with themselves and as a result, their life success is positively affected. Due to the deformation and deformity in the chest, problems related to sexuality arising from themselves and the opposite sex are also solved. Especially after breast augmentation with silicone prosthesis, men may be concerned about the perception of artificiality after contact. However, this concern is completely unfounded and the feeling I encounter in most of my patients after surgery is the opposite, that is, it is quite natural.